Grade School
Future Leaders
Now offering afternoon hybrid classes
Hybrid Afternoon Classes
Being excited about what one is learning keeps a student coming back for more. In order to allow more students to experience the joy of learning, we're now offering hands-on quests (classes) to homeschoolers or other families who are available at the offered times.
Quests are Monday, Wednesday, Fridays between 1:00-3:00 p.m. Students are also welcome to join for lunch and recess starting at 12:00.
09/23 - 10/10 '24
This quest is meant to:
Teach a life-long, versatile, skill that can be used every day of one's life.
Teach the power of perspective.
More fully enjoy and appreciate one's journey through life through memories caught "on film."
12/2-12/19 '24
The goal of this quest is to allow the Heroes to experience the benefits of playing Chess firsthand, and to apply those skills to other parts of their lives as well.
The benefits of regularly playing chess are plentiful and include: increase in strategic thinking, creativity, foresight & planning, memory, reading skills, and communication.
2/24-3/20 '25
In this study of agriculture, Heroes will increase their knowledge of crop and livestock production, aquaculture and fisheries in order to reduce the divide between farm and table.
Heroes will become more self sustaining by growing their own food and animals on campus while studying science through cell models, butterfly habitats, plant mazes and more.
06/02-06/26 '25
Week break 02/19 - 02/23
Through an introductory course on auto mechanics, Heroes will learn:
The basic parts of an engine while assembling their own movable engine
Car maintenance and problems
How to analyze and solve real-world problems
Tool names and how to use them
Growing Curiosity
09/18-10/06 '24
Growing Curiosity is a learner-led quest in which the oldest learners, called “Quest Leaders,” take turns leading a week of hands-on challenges focused on a specific topic of their choice in order to “grow” the curiosity of others. Then, after growing their curiosity about several different topics, Heroes in the studio get to dive deeply into one topic of their choice during the last weeks of the Growing Curiosity quest.
Wars in our History
1/6 - 2/13 '25
This quest is meant to:
Equip Heroes with tools and confidence that will help them throughout the year and on their Hero’s Journey.
Equip Heroes with a deeper understanding of self and others.
Instill a deeper understanding of working on a team and the the value of collaboration.
Inspire an appreciation for process and intentionality.
Inspire a deep curiosity of the Hero’s Journey through heroes’ stories.
Create laws and guidelines to govern their studio.
04/07 - 3-15 '25
On this quest, Heroes become modern-day Magellans: cartographers and explorers attempting to circumnavigate the globe. Along the way, Heroes collect clues that lead them on a trip to their final destination, a trip outside of the U.S.A. to serve a less fortunate community.
Although the location will not be revealed to the Heroes until they figure out the clues, Heroes will be able to communicate with local leaders, asses needs and plan a service project to complete during the break following the session.
(May 19-25-ish; exact dates to be set.)
$450 (trip expenses separate, if planning to attend)