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Campus Photos

Studios are bright and open. They provide Heroes (aka students) the opportunity to move about and study in positions that are comfortable and productive for each Hero.

Guides do not lecture but are commonly found on the floor with the Heroes or starting a Socratic discussion with a group.

Here, Heroes are responsible for their own learning. We provide a learner-driven atmosphere for each to thrive in. This includes providing an assortment of materials so they can choose what works best for their learning style.

Heroes LOVE their D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read) time. We believe those who love to read will be life long learners. This has become the "cool place" at Acton.

Studios are multi-aged communities. This allows younger Heroes to learn from older Heroes. This also gives older Heroes the chance to solidify their learning by helping and caring for younger Heroes. Older Heroes love the responsibility of being a leader.

Heroes enjoy making and holding each other responsible to the provisional contracts they create together. Here, they learn to govern themselves within their Acton community. They learn to collaborate and work together even through differing opinions.

Our auditorium provides a place for end-of-session exhibitions as well as an area for physical and nutritional education.

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